Wednesday 22 June 2011

New Blood prep

I sat re designing my business cards the other day in preparation for New Blood and I have just sent off for them. Bloody good job too, seems they are going to get here just in time to turn round and go back to London with me.

No sudden strikes please Royal Mail!

Sunday 19 June 2011

Opening Free Range

This week saw the opening of the Free Range exhibition in London.

What an amazing few days that was! Long days, tiring but undoubtedly worth it.

I really appreciate all the feedback that I got from people that came to see the exhibition on opening night. Possibly one of the best being from a woman who said that she didn’t usually like photography, but really liked my work, because it was different. And not forgetting the school group that discussed my work with me.

Thanks, that made my day!

I was aware that this exhibition was going to be a big learning curve, and it has been. Along with the physical and logistical things that have needed to be done in order to produce a big exhibition I wanted to get a better understanding of who was viewing my work but more importantly what majority of people liked my work, who am I targeting my work at? I believe I have a little better understanding of who this is now.

Going forward to a few weeks time when I am back at the Truman Brewery exhibiting for New Blood I feel more confident about what to expect and therefore can be more prepared. I have a few things I want to get straight before then but I’m really looking forward to it. I get to dip my tow into both pools of the photography world, exhibition based and commercial. I’m taking this opportunity to help me in the decision of which direction to focus my work. I think I know, however lets make sure.

Thank you to everyone who worked on, and are still working on making Free Range such a good show!

It’s a satisfying feeling knowing that my photographs are hanging on a wall for people to see.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Shaun and his hoe spotted in the Burton area!

Monday 6 June 2011

Website now so close!

Everytime I take a break from building my website I think it's nearly done. Yet when I come to work on it some more I realize there is still so much to do!