Monday 11 October 2010

That Book!

I'm aiming for Wednesday to send my book off, in the hope that it will be produced and delivered back in time for the following Wednesday.

I've been struggling with not feeling confident about my idea, but conscious that there is not much time to this assignment.

I carried on taking photos for a book about different chairs and the environment that they are found in. It's slowly growing on me and beginning to get ideas on how I can improve it.

However, yesterday I received a text from someone I've not heard from for years. I had thought about trying to find him, to photograph him for a while now.

So I arranged to photograph him today.

I knew straight away I wanted to photograph him using disposable cameras. He is not the most confident of people and suffers from paranoia. I know that he would act differently if I turned up with a big digital camera.
If I used disposable cameras he would hopefully forget they were there. Disposable film would be better for the look I'm after too. I want them to have a soft focus and be grainy and imperfect.

I finished photographing about 4pm and rushed back to get them processed. An hour later I picked them up and scanned them in.

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